New Types of Plastic Surgeries

In addition to traditional plastic surgery procedures like a cheek lift or brow lift, there are many new types of plastic surgery currently available. Upper eyelid surgery and liquid facelift are two such examples of new procedures.

Upper eyelid surgery can be done for either functional or cosmetic reasons. As we age, it is common in some people for their upper eyelid to start descending over their eyeball. When this affects their everyday vision, upper eyelid surgery becomes necessary. In the procedure, the surgeon first makes an incision in the upper eyelid. The surgeon then removes or repositions the skin, fat, or muscles in the eyelid so that it sits at a higher resting position. Upper eyelid surgery can also be done for cosmetic reasons, such as addressing chronic puffiness of the upper eyelids. Contact our Los Angeles upper eyelid surgery expert for more information.

A liquid facelift is a non-surgical method for achieving the effects of a traditional facelift. Instead of undergoing surgery, the doctor injects dermal fillers and Botox into the face in order to restore facial volume and to smooth out wrinkles. If you are interested in learning if the non-surgical approach is right for you, contact our Los Angeles liquid facelift expert to schedule a consultation.

Surgery for Lifting Upper Eyelids

You may have noticed that your appearance is constantly changing throughout your life, especially once you emerge from the teenage years. Years of poor skincare and exposure to the sun may suddenly begin to cause more noticeable signs of age. Young adults tend to struggle with loose skin and wrinkles as much as an older person that has been dealing with it for much longer. The surgery for lifting the upper eyelids is a very smart solution if you want to make an investment that is going to last.

The treatment offered by the Beverly Hills upper eyelid surgery expert is a basic rejuvenation of the skin and tissue. One incision begins the process so that the area can be tightened and lifted to effectively restore the eyelids to a more youthful look. It can be considered complex if you have very thick or hanging skin that needs to be cared for properly. The goal of our Beverly Hills upper eyelid lift expert is to make you feel good about the appearance that you see reflected in the mirror each morning. Choosing plastic surgery at an early age will provide a head start at maintaining outer beauty through your lifetime.

Upper Eyelid Surgeries and What to Expect

There is not much variety when it comes to upper eyelid surgeries because it is such a small area in comparison to the rest of the face. Our upper eyelid surgeon finds that the majority of treatments target Asian patients with a flat eyelid that desire a double eyelid fold on each side. Other patients have concerns with the symptoms that they are experiencing as a result of getting older. Loose skin, lumps of fat, and permanent wrinkles are all problems that are targeted during upper eyelid rejuvenation surgery.

Every single patient should expect that the plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills is going to provide the best treatment possible. Regardless of the amount of difficulty involved in your surgery, adequate expertise of your surgeon is going to help you feel at ease. If everything goes as well as the doctor anticipates, recovery should only take a couple of weeks if you limit yourself to minimal physical activity. There are a lot of specific questions that only your doctor will be able to answer based on your unique case. Get to know your surgeon at the initial consultation to find out more specific information about the procedure and potential side effects you can expect.

Costs to Consider for Eyelid Surgery

Skin treatments and expensive cosmetics seem like a foolish waste when you consider the simplicity and effectiveness of upper eyelid surgery. Although true surgery is invasive, it is the only way to achieve a noticeable rejuvenation once your eyes have started to lose attractiveness due to age. The Los Angeles upper eyelid surgery cost might be a concern, but the doctor will be happy to provide a consultation to go over the details.

An important cost to consider about undergoing eyelid surgery is that there is no sense in price shopping or cutting corners. A good doctor is going to provide everything that you need for a great result and safe recovery. You will be provided with a full consultation, anesthesia, and all of the other necessities involved in receiving the rejuvenation that you desire. If you do decide to meet with more than one surgeon, it is important to focus your decision on the person that you feel is the most qualified and caring about the results. Otherwise, you will only be by wasting months of your own time and throwing away thousands of dollars with the hopes that another professional can correct any unfortunate issues that you are experiencing.

Side Effects of Eyelid Surgeries

The majority of your healing after an eyelid surgery is going to involve staying at home and observing your side effects. It is a good idea to understand the typical issues that you can expect, as well as the signs of serious complications that could develop. Your body is going to experience changes that are not typical of your normal life, so you need to get as much information as you can before going home.

Discoloration caused by the trauma of the treatment is not a concerning side effect unless it does not improve after a few days. Expect to deal with noticeable puffiness in the same area that will subside as long as you keep your head elevated. Cold packs the first few days are recommended by our Beverly Hills upper eyelid surgeon to provide temporary relief from the pressure of swelling. If you undergo a rejuvenation, another side effect that is common is a feeling of unusual tightness. As long as you can comfortably close each eye, there is no reason to feel immediate concern. However, if there are issues with closing your eyes, you should meet with our expert in upper eyelid revision surgery in Beverly Hills for an examination.

When Upper Eyelid Surgery Does Not Work

Unfortunately, surgery to improve the appearance of the eyelids is not a procedure with an exceptional success rate. The quality of your results truly depends on the experience of the surgeon that you work with, as well as the complexity of your issues. If you do find yourself with unsatisfying results due to an unsuccessful surgery, you always have a chance to achieve an improvement with a revision from our surgeon.

You might feel as though you need an upper eyelid revision soon after the conclusion of your original treatment. These small flaws that you notice right away, such as puffiness or mild distortion of your eyelids, typically improve throughout the recovery process. However, sometimes they do not. If you have waited a few weeks and continue to feel unsatisfied with the results, you can meet with our eyelid surgeon in Beverly Hills to receive suggestions regarding your revision options.

A common reaction to a botched surgery is to feel defeated regarding the possibility of achieving good results. Our surgeon does not rule out the candidacy of any patient until a consultation is provided. Some of the most complex problems can be resolved with the help of a professional that truly understands anatomy and the steps needed to guarantee attractive results.

Revision of Upper Eyelid Procedure

Every person interested in going through invasive plastic surgery should understand that there are certain risks that they must accept. No matter how much experience a doctor has, there are problems that can arise after the treatment is complete. Unfortunately, some patients experience complications, because they did not take the time to find a good surgeon that has a solid reputation. If you have ended up with a botched upper eyelid rejuvenation, know that you can count on our Beverly Hills upper eyelid revision surgery expert to find a way to help.

Revising an upper eyelid procedure is going to involve the same risks associated with the first treatment, so you need a doctor that understands how to take care of the issues. Bad results that require revision might be visual, while others are dealing with more significant complications that are causing advanced issues. Regardless of the reason as to why you feel that revision is necessary, our expert in upper eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills is going to make your happiness a priority. You do not deserve to make the investment, as well as go through the inconvenience of surgery only to end up requiring more work at the conclusion of surgery. Let our doctor take a look at your results and find alternative ways to make sure that your condition is significantly improved.

Outcomes of Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery should have the same general outcome for every single patient if everything goes correctly, and that is the rejuvenation in the eyes. A rejuvenation procedure eliminates the embarrassing fat bulges and loose tissue that makes the upper eyelids appear heavy. Skin is also tightened as much as needed so that there is no overlap or deep wrinkles left in the immediate area. Unfortunately, things can always go wrong if the surgery is not performed properly or if the patient has trouble healing.

Poor outcomes might appear as a lack of symmetry in the rejuvenation, worsened sagging, infection at the incision area, or extremely tight skin. Each of these problems can be improved with the help of our Beverly Hills eyelid surgery expert if they are noticeable enough to cause concern. The entire treatment has to be performed all over again with special attention in addressing the complications that resulted from the first surgery. It might be overall more risky for the patient to undergo another treatment, but our Beverly Hills upper eyelid revision surgery expert is very delicate when working in the small area. You should have a full evaluation once six months have passed since the first surgery, because early treatment can lead to worsened complications.

How Much Difference Does Upper Eyelid Lift Make?

The traditional upper eyelid rejuvenation can result in a very noticeable and beneficial difference. Not all patients are going to experience a life-changing improvement, but that is why our expert in upper eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills prefers to examine every patient prior to making a recommendation. The results are actually more noticeable when older patients undergo the procedure, because they have the most room for improvement. This does not mean that younger adults will not experience some level of rejuvenation from an upper eyelid lift as well, though.

Conditions treated by the lift involve the removal of extra skin and fat, and the rejuvenation of the remaining tissue above the eye. Some patients require correction of serious drooping in one eye that is referred to as ptosis. It can be a very noticeable and embarrassing problem for many, but it is easily corrected with an upper eyelid lift. If there is sagging in the lower lid or as high as the brow, it may be a smarter solution to undergo a different treatment to ensure effectiveness. Speak up about any specific issues that you have at the time that the doctor is performing the initial examination. This is the best way to ensure that you are provided with a treatment that is going to make a difference.

Side Effects of Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery is a remarkably straight-forward procedure with few deviations from one case to the next. This type of rejuvenation involves entering the upper eyelid through a small incision in the natural crease. Our surgeon follows with the steps necessary to provide a noticeable rejuvenation for effective wrinkle reduction, skin tightening, and contour improvement.

While the side effects of upper eyelid surgery are typically mild, some patients do find that their bruising is more severe than other patients depicted in upper eyelid surgery before and after pictures. The amount of bruising and swelling will depend on how much bleeding occurs during the procedure and the aftercare practices of the patient. Our expert in upper eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills recommends keeping the head elevated for the first few days in order to simply avoid increasing the pressure that can cause worsened side effects.

Pain medication and ice packs are the at-home recommended solutions when you need to alleviate the side effects of discomfort. There should be no severe or sharp pain, though. Any form of serious pain is unusual unless there is an infection developing that would require attention from a medical professional. As long as you understand the common side effects of an upper eyelid surgery, then you will be able to notice any complications that could occur during the recovery phase of treatment.