Are There Any Side Effects to Lip Augmentation?

Every surgery has a risk of side effects and complications, including a simple lip augmentation. If you choose to have temporary fillers, the chance of side effects is so low that it is almost non-existent. Hyaluronic acid that is injected into the lips is a substance that agrees with most people because it occurs naturally in the body already. This only leaves a small chance that the patient has a reaction to an anesthetic if any is requested. The spots that the needle penetrates the skin may appear red, sore, or slightly raised for a couple of days, but our facial surgeon in Beverly Hills considers this a completely normal reaction.

If a soft implant is placed in the lips, there is more risk for side effects due to the incisions. The area is more vulnerable to infections from the open wound, but patients should not be concerned if they take adequate care as instructed. There is a risk that the body will reject the implant, and our expert in lip augmentation surgery in Beverly Hills recommends immediately having it removed if this happens. As long as you trust a reputable surgeon with your enhancement, there is no reason for you to be concerned with serious side effects.

Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Really Effective?

A patient that has excess skin, fat, and stomach tissue is going to find that a tummy tuck is highly effective at restoring a more attractive appearance. People that have lost a significant amount of weight, or women that have had children, might end up with loose skin that does not shrink back to normal. By removing a portion of this loose skin and fat, our expert in tummy tuck surgery in Beverly Hills is able to create a flattened abdominal area for the patient.

Long term effectiveness of a tummy tuck is up to the person that is responsible for maintaining a steady weight, because fluctuations will cause the skin to expand and potentially sag as much as it did before the surgery. There is some degree of scarring that is expected, so anyone with minor sagging might want to consider alternatives through the help of our expert in laser plastic surgery in Beverly Hills. Otherwise, taking good care during recovery and giving the body adequate time to heal at its own pace will make the scars fade until they are not noticeable. Meet with the surgeon to discuss your options and find out if a tummy tuck is the best option for your condition.

Is a Facelift Right for Me?

Every single person is different, and the rate of facial skin aging will vary greatly. Even if you have a strict skin care regimen that you follow, in addition to avoiding excessive sun exposure, there is little a patient can do to prevent it. If you’re feeling depressed and self-conscious about the condition of your skin then it might be time to consider a facelift. Once skin starts to sag and wrinkle, surgery might be the only right solution to permanently fix the problem.

When you go in for a consultation with the doctor, it’s a good opportunity to observe facelift before and after pictures to see if you’re really ready for surgery. There is not a certain age that you must be considering some begin to have major sagging years before others with a similar lifestyle. One requirement of our expert in facelift surgery in Beverly Hills is that the patient is in good health both mentally and physically. As long as you are personally ready to commit to a facelift, then you will be considered an ideal candidate for treatment. Speak with the surgeon soon to find out if you have a condition worth correcting through a facelift surgery.

Can I Get Loans for Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery offers so many options for improving appearance after aging, trauma, or illness that finding the right treatment is often easier than figuring out how to pay for it. Fortunately, patients do not necessarily need to cover this expense right away. Instead, patients can take out a loan for cosmetic surgery and repay it later.

Patients can get a loan for a wide variety of cosmetic procedures. Face lift, rhinoplasty, hair restoration, breast augmentation, and liposuction are just some of the options that can be financed through our service. Our representatives can tell patients whether other procedures that interest them can be covered with our loans.

Getting a loan is a simple process, and anyone can apply. Applications can be filled out on the phone or at our website. Before approving or declining an application, our representatives consider a variety of credit score factors, including present lines of credit and past payment history. Co-signers can be included on the application to maximize eligibility.

With up to $35,000 in financing available depending on eligibility, patients can cover the costs of numerous cosmetic options through us. As supported by plenty of medical financing reviews, our loan service is flexible to the needs of patients and is an excellent way for patients to obtain the looks they want.

How are Lips Enhanced with Surgery?

Lip enhancement options have become safer and more attractive in more recent years, especially with the introduction of filler materials. While it is also possible to have a permanent augmentation through the insertion of a small implant, the expert in lip enhancement in Los Angeles usually prefers hyaluronic acid injections. The concern with any implants is the chance that the body decides to reject it once it detects a foreign object is present. Filler does not have the same risks because it is created from a solution that is compatible with the body.

Someone that wants dramatically puffy lips may require up to 2 full syringes of material to achieve the look they want from our technique. A more modest enhancement is often achieved with a single syringe if not a bit less to avoid too much inflation. The patient is awake and alert to communicate through the procedure with the facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. A small amount is injected and then smoothed to remove any lumps as an additional precaution before adding more. Patients do not usually experience noticeable side effects aside from temporary redness around the lips and mild soreness that should fade within a couple of days.

How to Get a Cheek Enhancement

When you meet someone new for the first time, they are immediately going to notice the features on your face. Having a stunning smile with glowing skin can reflect youth and vitality. But sagging facial features that are riddled with wrinkles and fine lines can make you look years older than you actually are. You should feel confident in your appearance, which is why so many patients seek treatment from our dermatologist in Tarzana.

When we are young, our cheeks are filled with fullness, but as we age, the fat pads in the cheeks change position and sag. This results in a tired and unattractive appearance. Once the fat pads begin to deteriorate, the connective tissue beneath the skin erodes and flattens out, so your face is left with little or no definition. The end result of all this is deep depressions, smile lines, and wrinkles.

Fortunately, our expert in cheek enhancement in Tarzana can provide you with the treatment you need for a rejuvenated appearance. You can receive a fat injection, also known as a liposculpture, where the patient’s own fat is used to fill in the cheeks. Some of the other options you can ask about include collagen injections, hyaluronic acid injections, and soft filler materials.

Is Eyelid Revision Surgery Effective?

If you have experienced an eyelid surgery that did not turn out as attractive as expected, it is natural to wonder if a revision is going to give any better results. A revision, much like the original surgery, is only going to be as effective as the skill of the surgeon. If you work with our Beverly Hills eyelid surgery expert, you will have significantly better results than trusting an inexperienced doctor that has not had adequate time spent with real patients.

The other factor you need to consider to figure out the effectiveness of a revision involves an evaluation of the original results. Asymmetry is one of the most common problems that comes from this type of surgery if one side does not heal properly or there is a complication during the procedure. Whether results are too dramatic or barely noticeable, our expert in upper eyelid revision surgery in Beverly Hills is able to provide an effective solution based on experience. As long as you have waited long enough for the tissue and skin to heal from the original trauma, there is a good chance that the revision surgery is going to be highly successful in giving you the results you wanted the first time.

What You Can Do about Scars

Many people have scars on their bodies, and one of the most common scars is referred to as a keloid scar. This is defined as a scar that rises abruptly over the rest of the skin. It typically has a smooth top and a pink or purple color. Keloids are irregularly shaped, and they tend to enlarge progressively. Although genetics seem to play a role in who will develop keloids, it is impossible to predict with 100% certainty. You can schedule an appointment with an expert in treatment of scars in Encino if you are concerned about their appearance.

Although keloids are usually thought to be only a cosmetic problem, they can also be itchy, tender, or painful to the touch. Keloids are commonly associated with the minor injuries that come with body piercing. As a result, more women than men tend to develop keloids. But doctors are still trying to figure out what makes one person more susceptible to developing a keloid than someone else.

Scars tend to last for life, but you can speak with a dermatologist in Encino to see what options you have. There may be ways to reduce the appearance of a scar so that it is less noticeable.