Tummy Tuck Procedure

Beneath your skin is a layer of muscle that can get stretched out due to age, pregnancy, or extreme weight fluctuation. If these muscles become too stretched out, they can make the stomach appear bloated even if there is not much fat present. If you are unsatisfied with the way your stomach looks, our plastic surgeon can perform a tummy tuck to tighten the abdominal muscles to give you a firmer appearance.

There are certain things to take into consideration before beginning the procedure. First, you should be at a relatively healthy weight, which typically means no more than 20 pounds overweight. You should also have realistic expectations of what you can expect from the surgery. Many patients come into our office expecting to look like a completely different person, but our expert in tummy tuck procedure in Los Angeles will show you before and after photos so that you can get an idea of the results you can achieve.

Our surgeon will give you aftercare instructions after the procedure is complete. There may be some swelling in the weeks following the procedure, which is normal. You should also take it easy during this time; our expert will suggest avoiding strenuous activity and to keep intense exercise to a minimum.