Can I Get a Brow Lift?

If you are tired of drooping eyebrows or aging to your forehead, you might be considering a brow lift. Also known as an eyebrow lift or a forehead lift, a brow lift can be used to rejuvenate the entire upper third portion of your face. If only the outer portion of your eyebrows are affected, there are less-invasive techniques that can be used to help.

A brow lift generally costs between $6,000 and $7,000. however, this cost can be more or less depending on the surgeon you choose and how much work is required to help you to achieve your desired results. A Beverly Hills brow lift expert may charge more based on skill and experience.

You should be in good health, both physically and mentally, before you have any type of cosmetic surgery. Make sure that you are having the procedure done for yourself and your own aesthetic goals.

It is important to discuss your goals with your surgeon. Ask any questions you may have about the procedure beforehand so that there will be no surprises later on. Make sure that you can take time off to heal properly and to reduce complications.

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